Alternative Fuel : Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)
The management and disposal of solid waste are one of the major challenges facing the world. How to protect public health
and the environment through effective treatment methods, technologies and
concepts is the top priority.
At present, the main methods of disposing of solid waste include landfill, composting, recycling, and incineration. Landfills
are the most commonly used solid waste disposal method worldwide, despite the
significant impact on the environment, health, and economy. However, the
landfill of solid waste also faces many problems, which are mainly reflected in
the decrease in landfill space and the increasing public awareness of
environmental protection. As a result, the current treatment of solid waste is
more inclined to recycle solid waste before landfills, and refuse-derived fuel
(RDF) is receiving more and more attention. If properly managed, solid waste
can be a viable alternative fuel rather than a source of pollution.

The idea behind alternative fuels is to
convert mixed solid waste into RDF. By reducing the moisture content of waste,
increasing the calorific value of waste to replace traditional energy (coal),
while reducing emissions of pollutants.

Cement manufacturing is considered one of
the world's largest energy consumers. It also faces economic and environmental
challenges. Therefore, solid waste as an alternative fuel has a lot of
potential in this field. To meet the 120 KWH/ton energy requirement, cement
plants use 12 to 15 percent of total global industrial energy. In terms of CO2
emissions, 5%-7% of global CO2 emissions are generated by the cement industry. However,
several studies have shown that those numbers have declined by about 5 percent
worldwide in recent years due to increased energy efficiency and the use of
alternative fuels.

European countries' well-established waste
collection systems and mature treatment experience show that the use of
alternative fuels in cement production can save companies a lot of money, and
can significantly reduce the amount of solid waste that needs to be buried, greenhouse
gas emissions, and energy (coal) consumption.

The RDF and TDF preparation technologies
independently developed by Harden, such as domestic waste processing system,
bulk waste processing system, industrial solid waste processing system, waste
tires processing system, etc., carry out in-depth research on the processing
technology in view of the domestic complex material situation, and finally
obtain high quality and high calorific value RDF products.